The power of welcome is now out!/JAM bookshop signing event
My first graphic novel, The power of welcome, is out now! We recently had a book signing to celebrate…
My first full length graphic novel is now available for preorder
My first full length graphic novel is now available for preorder
Work(shopping) Together
Now that this year is nearly over, (thank god) looking back it has been a year full of changes for the way I work as an artist.
Illustrating the lockdown (part 3)
It all begins with an idea.The first adaptation to how I would have ordinarily worked pre-lockdown was the move to illustrating online meetings (which would usually have been a live event)
Illustrating the lockdown (part 1)
If you are interested in how I explore my identity as a refugee through illustration and animation and how I facilitate others to explore their stories, you can read it here